Sadhu Vaswani Mission

Make others happy to find happiness. A non-sectarian, non-profit organization promoting unity among religions and honoring revered figures from all faiths.

The Sadhu Vaswani Mission witnesses the interconnectedness of all life forms and emphasizes the importance of spirituality. It encourages practices such as kirtans, prayers, meditation, and love for others, recognizing that we are all part of a greater whole.

The Mission serves all sections of society regardless of religion, caste, creed, or community. Its activities encompass education to positively impact people's lives.
Founded by Sadhu T.L. Vaswani, the Mission was later led by Dada J.P. Vaswani, who guided spiritual aspirants and reinstated the organization as the Sadhu Vaswani Mission. After his passing in 2018, his legacy continues. Now the chairman of the mission is Didi Kumari.