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The origin of Indian music is said to be rooted in the Vedas. It is said that God Himself is musical sound, the sound which pervades the whole universe, ie. 'Nadabrahma!.


Sadhu Vaswani Sangeet Kala-Kendra is working for the promotion of Indian classical music at Sadhu Vaswani School. The head of sangeet kala kendra is Ms. Khanjana Vasavda ( BA B.Ed in classical music).


Kala Kendra imparts theoretical and practical training in Indian classical music in the following arts.


  • Indian classical vocal

  • Indian classical music instruments

  • Tabla

  • Harmonium

  • Organ


The course of study followed by the kala Kendra is approved by the "AKHIL BHARTIYA GANDHARVA MAHAVIDYALAYA ".It has 1200 affiliated institutions and 800 exam centers across India. Full course till "VISHARAD" in all sections run by sangeet kala Kendra.

More than 500 students of various classes are benefited with different arts.


It is truly said that. "Today, modern science sees the whole existence as a vibration. Where there is a vibration, there is bound to be a sound. So the whole existence is a complex amalgamation of sounds. These sounds, if you listen in a certain way, are a horrible noise. If you listen to it in another way, it is tremendous music. For one who does not perceive the wholeness of the sound, it is noise because he is hearing in bits and pieces. For one who listens to the wholeness of the existence, everything is music. There is nothing which is not music".

Best theoretical and practical training in Indian classical music. 

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